Three second rule

I sit amid a bunch of people
Looking nothing like them
With food in front of me
Looking nothing like I'm used to
Well, that's a lie
It looks like a cutlet between bread
Okay, so a sandwich
But I'm eating it with chopsticks
I laugh because it took me back
To the place where I tried to eat
Fries with a fork and a knife
As if I wasn't clumsy enough
They push my luck with apparatus
And I laugh again
Cos I went back to the time
When my friends and I would grab
onto noodles with our bare hands
Beer is good
It lets people believe you're laughing at their jokes
Jokes you don't understand
Cos it's a language you don't understand
Then of course, I drop my sandwich thing
But maybe the beer was a little too good
For before I could catch myself, I said
"Three second rule!"
Picked it up with my chopsticks
And put it swiftly into my mouth
They all stared at me, shocked
"You know san-second-rule?"
They said and giggled and gave me a high-five
I guess the most important things
Do transcend space and time
