
She is the baby's cherubic giggle, as he wraps his palm around her finger.
She is the toddler's inspired first words, as he goes on to learn of life and love.
She is the myriad of a child's questions, in his quest for knowing of the world and its beings.
She is the secrets told to the best friend, as precious and cherished as a pirate's treasure.

She is the shy glances darted across the room towards him.
She is the nervous blush while talking to a crush.
She is the love song that nights until eternity were spent on, but not a verse sung.

She is the innocent claims of the teenage love, the promises never to be broken.
She is the first kiss during that sunset, a feverish exhilaration.
She is the mirth of the a cheering crowd at the rock concert.

She is the romance, the poetry, the music, the fairy tales.
She is the whims, the dreams, the madness, the zest.
She is the overwhelming, the drunk, the sensual, the euphoric.

She is the hand that is held on to, during times of apprehension and horror.
She is the tears of joy, witness of euphoria and jubilation.
She is the warm hot chocolate on the bitter winter morning.

She is the soft passionate love made, under the crescent moon.
She is the strength of the soldier out front, looking mortality in the eye.
She is the shoulder that is cried on, during hard times of melancholy.

She is the secret prayer breathed, with hope and longing.
She is the comforting hug that is always there for free.
She is the emotion in a lover's eyes.

She is the refreshing lemonade on that hot sunny afternoon.
She is the unspoken love, generous and unconditional.
She is the brilliant light that makes the day seem that much more bright.

She is the peace and quiet that makes the night seem so tight.
She is the kind heart ceaselessly beating, manifesting an abyss of love.
She makes this world a better place as she selflessly gives her everything.
She is the life she gave to me, I'll take with me forever.


  1. I am a little embarrassed to admit it but, this one brought tears to my eyes!


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