Love (of/and/for) Language

Like most firsts was also mine
Natural but fumbling, vaguely brave
A steadfast gist with blurry details
Although reserved a special place 
Today I know not of a relevant phrase

Next for those of endless toil
A trial in return for an attempt
Days of stubborn lesson and hand 
A golden star I earn
But when I say I feel what I feel
My amateur status reveals

For my share of giddy flings
Excited gathering of puzzle pieces
And reckless experimentation
No rules, rhymes or guarantees
But a handful of grammar-less sprees

And then for where I come from
With every ounce from my throbbing heart
Claiming dibs on my beginnings
My tastes and appearances in their all
Suggest my bountiful roots
But when its time to script my fare
My paper rests bare

Onto where I think I belong
Uncertain of a forever or for-now
Every minute of new familiarity  
Is a study of curious content
A mere string of letters together
To form my deepest thoughts
An inquiry of alternate endings
And a tight-rope of my part
From the shoulder of giants I look on
And of the kinds of love I know 
Every new endeavour towards it
I learn of language, the world and where I fit
