Like a paper plane.

When the waves collide with the finer sands,
Atop the infinities of the vast expands,
The flashes from the machine birds over and on,
Reminds me of a celestial talisman.

There are too many people in a name,
Yet off the millions, no two same,
For every drop of a such philosopher's wool,
That would escape the sapphire dome in full.

The chimera in the those inquisitive eyes,
That tirelessly builds for a verdict, wise,
For mere moments over the whopping and the wee,
Cumulate into a mind truly free.

Farthest from a pretentious science,
Lies unfeigned bounds for a fated alliance,
Entirety of power rests solely in one,
To revoke or redouble, solidify or shun.

Never a voice too little or sound too much,
Yet an enormous fortitude to clutch,
Over the zenith of my spirit, I reign,
I fly high, fly high like a paper plane.
