
Terror, fear and devastation crawl into the eyes of any man and his child with the mere whisper of this number. The number that fills every heart with contempt, either for what shook the senses off the biggest super power  at the point, or for its aftermath on the rest of the world. Innocent lives were snatched and virtuous souls were stripped bare against the torturous whips of suspicious eyes. Nobody, anywhere has been guarded from the consequences of this one event.

The number blindly dialled by the five year old child struck by horror, when she saw her mother hanging from the ceiling, in hope for a stranger to pick up the phone and come save the only thing that mattered to her in the world. The same number millions of teenagers dial when they are losing a grip of their senses in an unknown place, due to an overdose of drugs. The number that the wife who gets beaten black and blue, abused into labour and gets sexually assaulted looks to for rescue. The number that saves.

Nine. One. One.
All digits, that every kid in kindergarten learns with absolute naivety and hope into a world full of reasoning, logic and knowledge. Together and separately, they are but numbers, with a promise of truth. The biggest digit known to man followed by the smallest units of existence.

The world, like everything else is just the way we look at it. We make mistakes, are bounded by circumstances and clutched into crime. We weep, destroy and get shattered, in a bid to save ourselves. We are lost in binary illusions created by us, into dooms of disgusting greens. We hide from the people of the world, the people of God and get condemned by the ones we only ever truly love. Yet all we ever seek is redemption from ourselves, the feelings inside us.
Somehow, we are still the ones who forgive, love unconditionally, trust and hope. Hope for brighter futures, happy children and dream of peaceful nights to gaze into the skies. We make love, pray and strive to be strong. We exist, survive and live. But most times, all we can ever do is wonder how to save a life.
